Tuesday, May 30, 2006

And we're live...

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Welcome to The Yarn Shoppe's blog! From here, you can find out the newest information, products, yarns, events and sales in the shop. Not only that, but loads of photos & free patterns!

For our first post...

We've provided a more clear and concise description of payment, ordering and return policy, as you may have noticed on our website.

We take only Visa/Mastercard credit cards, cash and checks.

Our return policy: returns are only accepted for yarns purchased at the shop. Refunds are given in the form of a store credit only, up to 30 days after purchase. This does not include sale goods.

Customers can call or fax in their orders for pick up or for delivery!

Our new class list has been updated. You can find it here.

Finally, we're spotlighting a new product in the shop - stitchmarkers! And not just any markers, these are jewelry quality for your projects. Meghan has been creating them and are available at the shop. All colors, sizes, shapes, and prices - come in and pick up a little something for that project!

The Final Note
Do you have a project you're making from the yarn you've purchased from the shop? Send us the photos! You can email the digital photos at our shop address: theyarnshoppe AT gmail DOT com