I would like to express my profound thanks and gratitude for your support and patronage of The Yarn Shoppe. It's been nearly seven months since the doors opened and we've already been able to expand! It feels great to have been a part of giving all of you a LYS in the QCA once again! With your continued patronage The Yarn Shoppe will be here a long time.
The Yarn Shoppe is continuing to grow in new areas. Thank you for all of your suggestions, advice, feeback, etc. I hope you'll find the improvements beneficial.
Soon, you'll be receiving periodic news announcements from me. They'll let you know about sales, new yarns and accessories, upcoming events, and classes. These will be in addition to all of the information you can already get on our website.
Our website (in case you haven't saved it as a favorite yet) is: http://www.theyarnshoppe.net There are going to be a few changes in this next week. "Hot Yarns" will be featured, along with new accessories that arrive in the shoppe.
In addition to the website and news announcements, you now know that there's now a blog to keep everyone up to date with more links to articles, free patterns and knitting events as we find them. The BEST part of this blog will be the ability to highlight your work from the shoppe's yarn you've bought and worked on so diligently! Send your digital photos to TYS's email address and we'll spotlight your work on the blog.
Once again, thank you for your continued support, patronage and friendships. You've made my life more complete and I strive to return the favor each time you visit the shoppe.